Building Info: Six Star Rating

There weems to be a lot of discussion about “6-star” ratings and how it will affect the design and construction of homes on Western Australia. So what exactly is it?

Well, it’s actually quite straight forward! The energy-efficiency of houses is measured through a star-rating system, with the worst performing buildings achieving a zero rating right through to a 10-star rating for a building that needs no artificial heating or cooling.

The rating is calculated through computer software modelling that uses a protocol administered by NatHERS (Nationwide House Energy Ratings Scheme). It takes into consideration various features such as orientation, shading, window placement, materials used and much more.

The Building Code of Australia (BCA) also has a set of “deemed-to-satisfy” conditions that if met are considered equivalent to a 6-star rating.

A 6-star rated building will use approximately 20 to 25% less energy to heat and cool compared to a similarly sized 5-star house, reducing energy bills and carbon emissions.

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